Steven Lavaggi’s creative intent through jewelry and fine art is to express Faith, Hope, Peace and especially Love. He has been internationally recognized as the Artist of Hope since 1984, when he was introduced by the moderator on national television by this name. It rang so true at that moment that the message of Hope & Love became infused within every item created. Every piece of jewelry is made with the finest precious metal and gemstones to last a lifetime and uplift the spirit.
Motivated by divine inspiration, Steven can usually be found in his studio, located in Austin, TX , designing jewelry and painting almost every day. Lavaggi also produces on canvas and sculpture. His Artworks are in the collections of numerous music & entertainment notables including Ozzy & Sharon Osborne, Smokey Robison, the late Nelson Mandela and Billy Gibbons (ZZ Top - Guitarist) just to name a few. Lavaggi Jewelry has been regularly featured on the QVC shopping network and at the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg Florida. You can explore Steven’s fine art collection at
An encouragement to believe in the higher purposes of life through a spiritual perspective
A reminder to hold onto hope and light in the midst of the darkness and chaos in the world
In the end, only what we do out of a sincere heart of love for others will last for all eternity
Lavaggi’s 21st century symbol of an angel, at first glance appears to be simple and understated. Further study reveals this angel to be elegant, fluid and streamline, which was the artists intent when designing it. It is a forward leaning, progressive, futuristic angel design.
One of the reasons this angel appeals to such a vast spectrum of people is because it is not perceived as a religious symbol as much as it is an inspirational one. This allows every viewer to discover the personal meaning within themselves as to what this vision represents. Most religions acknowledge angels in their sacred writings. This fact encourages us to see what we have in common, more than what separates us. The Angels of Reconciliation inspires the dream of global unity and reconciliation for our world, and is known as a symbol of hope and reassurance for the times in which we live.
The Lavaggi Legacy of Hope was further realized to a greater extent when Steven Lavaggi’s sister randomly entered a small chapel in Rome and found a sculpture there titled the “Angel of Hope”, dated 1728 with the name Jacopo Lavaggi on the plaque. This amazing discovery led Steven to research the Lavaggi name in art history, which revealed another sculpture titled the “Allegory of Hope” by Giacomo Antonio Lavaggi dated 1686! It was during Steven’s showing in the NY ArtExpo, that he met with Rene Lavaggi who was a “stone cutter/sculptor” originally from Italy.
What an amazing tradition of art, but what is most astounding is that Steven, who is called the “Artist of Hope” by millions of people, had no idea that this message of Hope preceded him down through the centuries, through the Lavaggi line of artists, and now continues in this new century, in our new world of global communications.